Our Vision
We see a world where everyone is financially literate and has access to the tools and support they need to create a better life for themselves and their families.

Forces Stand in Our Way
Scarcity of Financial Education

There is both a void of effective material and a lack of trained educators. This prevents the vast majority from learning the financial concepts and strategies they need to know.
Only 23 out of 50 states require high schools to teach at least one class in personal finance.
“Survey of the States: 2022 Economic and Personal Finance Education in Our Nation’s Schools,” Council For Economic Education, 2022
The Financial Industry Itself
A financially illiterate society is easily taken advantage of by those who know how to leverage the ignorance and foolishness of others to construct their own wealth.
The average American adult spends at least $18,000 on non-essential items each year—like eating out, paid apps, and coffee, ride shares, and impulse purchases.
“Americans spend at least $18,000 a year on these non-essential costs,” swns digital, Sep 2021
To combat these two forces,
Our team of educators must reach critical mass
With thousands of leaders aligned with our vision nationwide, we have the momentum to make a major impact on financial literacy statistics.

Thousands of licensed agents
The WealthWave team has leaders in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and Canada, who have now reached hundreds of thousands of individuals with financial literacy training.
Next Milestone
10,000+ licensed agents
At critical mass, our expanding team of educators will run daily financial literacy classes in all major cities, creating a surge of education that will begin to elevate national statistics on financial literacy.
Our Mission
To erase financial illiteracy worldwide so families can dream again.
All successful missions start with a clear vision and the right leaders who are just as experienced and capable as they are passionate and persistent. WealthWave has the clear vision and the core leaders to accomplish its mission.

To overcome financial illiteracy, we start by teaching individuals, families, and communities. We don’t stop until the statistics have been changed forever. Measurable transformation—that’s the end goal of our mission.

Such an Ambitious Mission Demands a State-of-the-Art Education System
We evaluated many of the top qualified financial literacy program available. We found that not a single education system on the market today met the list of criteria necessary to effectively educate the public on a wide scale.
So we created our own.

TheMoneyBooks meets 100% of our financial literacy criteria:

Visuals, storytelling, and humor are used to help capture and hold the attention of a non-financial audience.

Bite-sized content widgets invite the audience to switch between reading, viewing, listening, and interacting.

Clarity & Simplicity
Concepts and principles are highly accessible, explained at a 5th grade level using a linear, straightforward approach.

Fundamental principles are applied using strategies that are current and effective in todayʼs world and economy.

The material deals with the topics of consumer responsibility, the cost of financial ignorance, and the threats from a shrewd industry.

The program provides a practical, step-by-step action plan to achieve financial security and independence.