What a Difference a Day Can Make | WealthWave
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What a Difference a Day Can Make

August 9, 2024
Discover the Power of 24 Hours

On a sunny day in July 1984, my business took a pivotal turn. At age 25, I was already earning over $40,000 annually, a respectable sum at that time for someone of my age. Yet, I was restless, ambitious, and aware that my dreams required more than my current earnings could provide. Often dismissed for my youth and inexperience, I was determined to prove my detractors wrong.

Growing up in an entrepreneurial household, I had always been driven by a desire to achieve something greater. I spent countless nights working on my ideas and refining my skills, believing that hard work and dedication would eventually pay off. On that fateful July day, I attended a business event that promised to provide insights into entrepreneurial success. Skeptical but curious, I listened intently to the speakers, taking meticulous notes and forming a new mindset.

As the day progressed, I found myself inspired by the stories of those who had turned their ambitions into reality. I realized that the key to success wasn't just about having a great idea but also about the relentless pursuit of your goals, regardless of the obstacles. This revelation was the catalyst I needed, sparking a newfound determination within me.

I explore how one seemingly ordinary day became the turning point for my extraordinary success, illustrating the profound impact a single day, event, or message can have on a leader's trajectory. From that moment on, my journey was marked by relentless effort, unwavering focus, and an unyielding belief in my vision. My story serves as a powerful reminder that sometimes, all it takes is one day, one event, or one message to change the course of your life forever.

The Setting

The narrative begins with me attending a highly anticipated event led by my seven-figure+ earning senior leader. This leader, renowned for his wisdom, experience, and charismatic presence, spoke for two hours, captivating his audience with deep insights, innovative strategies, and motivational anecdotes. The room was filled with leaders eager to learn, their attention firmly fixed on every word the leader uttered.

For me, this was not just another meeting; it was a golden opportunity to glean wisdom that could potentially transform my career and take it to new heights. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement and reverence, as everyone hoped to capture just a fraction of the leader’s success. After the meeting, feeling inspired yet unsatisfied and driven by an insatiable hunger for knowledge, I made a spur-of-the-moment decision to attend an identical event across town, hoping to catch any nuances or additional insights that might further benefit my personal and professional growth.

The Turning Point

Upon arriving at the second event, I faced a packed room. Every chair was taken, and people were standing along the walls. Despite the crowd, I was allowed to stand at the back, squeezing into a small space near the exit. The meeting began promptly, and much of the content mirrored the earlier session I had attended. The speakers covered familiar ground, discussing strategies and best practices for business growth. However, there was one significant difference this time.

The senior leader, a seasoned business builder with years of experience, emphasized a crucial point he hadn't mentioned before: "Expanding any business is a contact sport. Whether you're a financial professional, doctor, lawyer, accountant, dentist, or anyone wanting to grow, you need to find a way to reach out to more people and faster."

This statement struck a chord with me. It wasn't just advice; it was a revelation, a critical piece of wisdom that resonated deeply with me. The message underscored the importance of outreach and networking in business growth, a concept that I knew but had not fully embraced.

My company was halfway through the year but lagging in its goals. Sales numbers were below projections, and new client acquisition had slowed. The pressure was mounting, and I felt the weight of expectations from both my team and leaders. Listening to the leader's words, I realized that to achieve these goals, I needed to step up my contacting game.

I started jotting down ideas on how to expand my team, reach more potential clients, and leverage existing relationships. I thought about attending more company conferences, setting up more interviews, and even using their marketing more strategically. As I stood there, surrounded by other leaders, I felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. I knew what I had to do and was ready to take action.

The Action Plan

Motivated by the senior leader's inspiring words, I formulated a new, dynamic strategy. I meticulously rallied my small but dedicated team, and together we devised a comprehensive plan to significantly increase our outreach efforts. We set ambitious targets for ourselves, aiming to achieve a substantial number of new contacts and engagements on a weekly basis. I knew that simply setting goals wasn't enough; they needed to be backed by well-thought-out actions.

We harnessed every available resource at our disposal. Leveraging our personal and professional networks was just the beginning. We attended social events to meet potential clients and partners, and even resorted to cold calling to expand our reach. No stone was left unturned in our pursuit of growth.

My approach was methodical and relentless. I understood that success required not just effort but a sustained and systematic effort. I often quoted the legendary football coach Vince Lombardi, saying, "The person on top of the mountain didn't fall there." This mantra was a constant reminder of the hard work and perseverance needed to achieve our goals. It kept my team and me focused and driven, even when faced with challenges. We knew that our collective dedication and resilience would ultimately lead us to success.

The Transformation

The results were transformative. Not only did I meet my immediate goals, but I also surpassed them. My income soared from $40,000+ to $100,000+ within two years, and by the age of 29, I was earning $250,000+. My success was a testament to the power of strategic outreach and relentless perseverance. I spent countless late nights refining my skills, networking with industry leaders, and seizing every opportunity to grow my personal brand.

Reflecting on my journey, I often cited the words of Albert Schweitzer: "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you’re doing, you’ll become successful." I loved what I was doing, and my passion fueled my success. I found joy in every challenge and viewed every obstacle as a chance to learn and improve. This mindset not only elevated my career but also enriched my life, creating a fulfilling balance of professional achievement and personal contentment.

The Lasting Impact

Today, 40 years later at age 65, I earn millions each year. My journey to success wasn't overnight, but I attribute much of it to that pivotal day in July 1984. On that day, during a seemingly ordinary meeting, one leader's additional insight provided me with a new perspective that would forever change my approach. This small yet profound shift in mindset led to a dramatic transformation in my career, opening doors I never imagined.

My story underscores the significance of being open to new ideas and seizing every opportunity for growth. It serves as a powerful reminder that sometimes, all it takes is one day, one event, or one message to change the course of your business. I often reflect on how that single moment of clarity acted as a catalyst for my enduring success. Just like how these lyrics from the song What A Difference A Day Makes by Ingram Washington so vividly put it, “What a difference a day made, twenty-four little hours. Brought the sun and the flowers, where there used to be rain.” My experience teaches us the invaluable lesson that transformative breakthroughs can happen at any time, and staying receptive to new insights is crucial for long-term achievement.

The Broader Implication

My story is not just about financial success; it's about the broader implications of taking decisive action based on newfound insights. For WealthWave leaders and professionals in any field, the lesson is clear: never underestimate the power of a single day. As John Maxwell aptly put it, "You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine."

This principle is universally applicable. Whether you are a financial professional, a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, or any other professional, the ability to adapt, learn, and implement new strategies can be the difference between mediocrity and excellence. By continuously seeking personal and professional growth, one can unlock new opportunities and overcome obstacles that once seemed insurmountable.

My story is a testament to the idea that continuous improvement and the relentless pursuit of growth are essential for achieving long-term success. It's not just about reaching a specific milestone but about the journey and the daily commitment to becoming better than you were the day before. This mindset fosters resilience, innovation, and a proactive approach to challenges, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and successful career.

Moreover, my experience underscores the importance of mentorship and learning from those who have already navigated similar paths. By embracing the wisdom and guidance of experienced individuals, professionals can accelerate their growth and avoid common pitfalls. My story serves as an inspiring reminder that with the right mindset and daily dedication, remarkable achievements are within reach for anyone willing to put in the effort.

The Call to Action

My journey serves as a call to action for all aspiring leaders and professionals. It's a call to embrace every opportunity for learning and growth, to be open to new ideas, and to take decisive action when inspiration strikes. As Mahatma Gandhi once said, "The future depends on what you do today." The decisions and actions you take today can set the stage for your future success. Every choice, no matter how small, contributes to the larger picture of your career and personal development.

For WealthWave leaders, the message is clear: make every day count. Attend those meetings, listen intently, and be ready to act on the insights you gain. Your next breakthrough could be just one day away. In the words of Tony Robbins, "The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment." My story is a powerful reminder of this truth. My path was not always easy, filled with challenges and moments of doubt, but my perseverance and dedication paid off.

Take inspiration from my journey and commit to making each day a step toward your ultimate goals. Whether it's attending an extra meeting, reaching out to more people, or simply being open to new ideas, remember that every day holds the potential for a breakthrough. Your success story could begin today. Set tangible goals for yourself, track your progress, and celebrate small victories along the way. These actions will not only keep you motivated but also build momentum toward larger achievements.

Moreover, remember to seek mentorship and guidance from those who have walked the path before you. Learning from their experiences can provide invaluable insights and help avoid common pitfalls. Engage actively in discussions, ask questions, and be curious. The collective wisdom of a community can often be the catalyst for individual success.

My journey is a testament to the power of consistent effort, the willingness to embrace change, and the importance of a proactive mindset. Let my story ignite a fire within you, driving you to seize every opportunity and turn your aspirations into reality.


The story of my early success illustrates the profound impact that a single day can have on one's career and life. From being a young, relatively inexperienced leader earning $40,000+ annually, I transformed into a multimillion-dollar earner by seizing the insights gained from one pivotal day. In my early career, I was like many of us—ambitious yet unsure of the path to rapid success. However, a chance encounter with a mentor during a professional development seminar became the turning point I had been waiting for.

My journey underscores the importance of continuous learning, strategic action, and relentless perseverance. By not only absorbing the lessons from that critical day but also diligently applying them, I was able to leverage my newfound knowledge to make strategic decisions that catapulted my career forward. I explored new business opportunities, invested in self-improvement, and expanded my professional network, all of which contributed to my remarkable transformation.

As you reflect on my story, consider the potential in your own career. Embrace every opportunity for growth, be open to new ideas, and take decisive action. Seek out mentors who can provide guidance and wisdom, attend events and workshops to gain new perspectives, and never underestimate the power of a single day to change your life. You never know which day will be the turning point in your journey. Make today the day you step up and take control of your future. As my experience shows, the difference a day can make is immeasurable. By adopting a mindset of growth and being prepared to seize the moment, you too can transform your career and achieve extraordinary success.

Tom Mathews