The Art of Leading by Example | WealthWave
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The Art of Leading by Example

September 24, 2024
The Art of Leading by Example
September 24, 2024
How WealthWave Leaders Can Inspire and Lead

Leadership is not a title; it's an action. At WealthWave, success transcends personal gains—it's about setting a dynamic pace and fostering an environment that nurtures comprehensive team growth and development. True leadership is exemplified powerfully through leading by example. A "Do-It-First" leader is someone who takes the helm, courageously blazing  the trail for others to follow. If you aspire for your team to excel, build, and grow collectively, you must become the example they aspire to emulate. When you stop moving, they lose momentum. Conversely, when you lead the way, they will be encouraged to follow.

I’m as human as any of you are, navigating the same challenges and opportunities. Like everyone, I am still a work in progress, learning and growing every day. That doesn’t mean I don’t have some insights on what it takes to become bigger and better, both personally and professionally. I believe in the power of collaboration and collective effort, which is why I’m suggesting we embark on this journey together as a team. It’s an invitation for us to pool our strengths, share our knowledge, and support each other. That’s where you come in, with your unique experiences and perspectives, to help us all achieve our goals.

As a leader, your primary responsibility is to provide your team with an example of success. Whatever you expect from them, you must demonstrate a willingness to undertake yourself. It's that straightforward and impactful. Here are some practical ideas for WealthWave leaders to more effectively inspire and guide their teams:

  1. Encourage open communication, ensuring that every team member feels valued and heard. Create regular opportunities for feedback and dialogue, such as team meetings or one-on-one check-ins, to build trust and transparency.
  2. Set clear, achievable goals that align with the team's overall vision, promoting a shared sense of purpose. Break down large objectives into smaller, manageable tasks, and regularly review progress to keep everyone on track and motivated.
  3. Recognize and celebrate successes, both big and small, to maintain motivation and morale. Acknowledge individual contributions in team meetings, and consider implementing a reward system to honor exceptional achievements.
  4. Invest in professional development opportunities, empowering your team to enhance their skills and capabilities. Provide access to workshops, leaders, and events, and encourage team members to pursue personal growth and career advancement.
  5. Foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvement, encouraging creative solutions and new ideas. Support expansion and experimentation by creating a safe environment for trying new approaches, and regularly evaluate and refine processes to optimize performance.

By implementing these practices, we can create a thriving environment where everyone can flourish.

Lead by Doing, Not by Telling

"The speed of the leader determines the speed of the pack.”

— Ralph Waldo Emerson  

The pace at which your team progresses is directly tied to your own activity and enthusiasm. This is why it's crucial for you, as a WealthWave leader, to consistently keep yourself in motion. If you engage with clients regularly, your team will follow suit. If you actively hold meetings and workshops, they will be encouraged to do the same. Conversely, if you stop engaging with the business, the decline of your team will be inevitable and potentially swift.  

When you are actively working, you should aim to have an SMD Base, a robust SuperBase, and be an active participant in the HowMoneyWorks Book Club. By doing so, you set the tone for what success looks like within your team. Successful leaders know that if they want to see tangible results from their team, the team needs to see tangible results from them first. The speed at which you move will be reflected in the speed at which they move. This principle is not a new one; have you heard it before?  

Actionable Ideas:  

  • Set the pace by ensuring you're consistently interacting with clients and holding events, such as seminars or webinars. Let your team witness your energy and dedication firsthand, which can be incredibly motivating for them.  
  • Hold weekly team meetings to inspire action, discuss goals, and provide constructive discussions. The more visible your leadership, the more effective it will be. These meetings are a great opportunity to align on strategy, celebrate achievements, and address any challenges the team may be facing.  
  • Set goals for yourself and transparently share them with your team. Accountability from the top fosters accountability throughout the organization. When your team sees you striving to reach your own objectives, it encourages them to set and pursue their own goals with enthusiasm and diligence.  

By taking these steps, you can create a culture of proactive leadership and continuous improvement within your team.

The Power of Consistency: Small Changes, Big Impact

"Success doesn’t happen overnight. It’s the small things done consistently that make the difference.”

— Darren Hardy

In leadership, your example will inevitably be mirrored by your team over time. At first, you might not notice the consequences of pausing a habit or practice, but eventually, these changes will manifest within your team. They're observing every move you make, and whether they realize it or not, they are likely to emulate those actions.

The reality is, if you used to engage in certain behaviors, your team will adopt them as well. For instance, if you stop using WealthWaveONE tools, attending events, or building new leaders, it won’t be long before your team reflects those same patterns. Even minor lapses in consistency can accumulate and result in substantial impacts down the road.

Actionable Ideas:

  • Reignite old habits: If you once led your team through initiatives like the HowMoneyWorks Book Club or utilized WealthWaveONE tools on a daily basis, it's time to refocus on these practices. Your team is likely to follow your lead when they see you re-engaging with these productive habits.
  • Use visual trackers: Make your efforts and achievements visible to your team by using visual trackers. Display metrics such as your progress with clients, the number of meetings held, or any other key performance indicators. Visual progress can serve as a powerful motivator for both you and your team.
  • Model daily discipline: Engaging in small daily actions, like making regular client calls or hosting consistent team check-ins, can create a momentum that grows exponentially over time. These actions, although seemingly minor, build a strong foundation for sustained success.

Consistency in leadership not only influences your immediate team but can also ripple out to impact the broader organizational culture. By being aware of your habits and refining them to align with your goals, you pave the way for both personal and collective growth.

Create a Culture of Ownership

"You don’t build a business. You build people, and then people build the business.”

— Zig Ziglar

Your team's success is a direct reflection of the culture you create as a leader. Being a "Do-It-First" leader means actively demonstrating ownership, empowerment, and independence. It involves leading by example, where your actions in building your business, working closely with clients, and organizing events serve as a motivating force for your team. When they see you engaging in these activities, they gain the confidence to take initiative and control over their own WealthWave business.

To instill a sense of ownership in your team's success, share the tools and resources that have driven your own achievements. For example, if you use WealthWaveONE tools for client outreach, meeting efficiency, or business organization, encourage your team to adopt these practices as well. Similarly, if you're using the HowMoneyWorks Book Club for your supply of books, consider turning this into a collective team initiative. This strategy not only builds trust but also cultivates a culture of shared responsibility and mutual success. Committing to share two books every day for a year is a surefire way to sustain a six-figure income for every leader. When you take the lead, your team will follow. Success assured.

By sharing your experiences and resources, you enable your team to envision their own path to success, reinforcing the principle that success is achievable for everyone who takes ownership.

Actionable Ideas:

  • Encourage autonomy: Provide your team with the necessary tools and resources for success, yet give them the freedom to decide how best to utilize them. This approach allows for personal and professional growth, empowering each individual to find their own way to excel.
  • Share your resources: Be transparent about the WealthWaveONE tools and methods you employ to organize and grow your business. This transparency makes leadership more accessible and achievable for your team, as they can model their strategies after yours.
  • Create accountability groups: Establish small groups or partnerships within your team to set shared goals, track progress, and provide continuous support and feedback. This not only enhances accountability but also strengthens team dynamics and collaboration, paving the way for collective achievement.
There’s No Room for "Rocking Chair" Leadership

"The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

— Peter Drucker

Being a leader goes beyond sitting back and observing your team at work. Leadership from a "rocking chair" perspective is both ineffective and disengaging. As a leader within WealthWave, it's crucial to be actively involved and in the trenches with your team, leading from the front lines. This means engaging directly with clients, hosting impactful events, and participating in the day-to-day operations of your business. Your actions and involvement set the tone for what is expected and create an inspiring model for your team.

Consider the saying, "If you have an office, they will. If you have an assistant, they will. If you hold weekly meetings, they will." This underscores the reality that whatever environment or example you establish for yourself, your team is likely to emulate. If you distance yourself from the core activities, your team will likely become disengaged, leading to stagnation in business growth and innovation.

Actionable Ideas:

  • Stay actively involved: Whether it’s through client meetings, team events, or product launches, ensure you are a visible and participatory part of the action. Your presence not only motivates but also reassures your team of your commitment.
  • Set clear expectations: Communicate to your team that success is achieved through consistent daily actions. It’s vital to not only articulate these expectations but also to embody them by modeling the behavior you wish to see.
  • Host regular events: These could be virtual or in-person gatherings designed to foster engagement, learning, and collaboration. Regular events provide your team with consistent opportunities to connect with you and each other, strengthening the team's cohesion and drive.

By taking these steps, you ensure that your leadership is dynamic and effective, fostering a thriving and motivated team environment.

A Strong SuperBase Starts with You

"People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision.”

— John Maxwell

As a WealthWave senior leader, maintaining a robust SuperBase is crucial for achieving long-term success, and the foundation begins with you. Your team needs to see you not just as a figurehead, but as an active participant who leads by example. Engage in every aspect of the business, from team building and client interactions to mastering the WealthWaveONE tools. Be present and committed to the HowMoneyWorks Book Club, demonstrating that you are continually enhancing your business and skills to stay ahead in the industry.

When you consistently show up for your SuperBase, your team will feel motivated and inspired to mirror your actions. They'll follow the path you've carved out because they have confidence in your leadership and perceive your actions as the blueprint to their own success. Your genuine involvement and dedication create a ripple effect that strengthens the entire team dynamic.

Actionable Ideas:

  • Mentor actively: Dedicate time to guide new recruits, ensuring they understand the company's processes and culture. This not only sets them up for success but also builds a solid foundation of strength and trust within your SuperBase.
  • Run regular training sessions: Keep your team at peak performance by organizing frequent training sessions where you share best practices, industry insights, and the latest tools available. This continuous learning environment will keep your team agile and ahead of the curve.
  • Show up for your SuperBase: Be there for your team in all possible ways—whether it’s through answering questions, supporting them at their events, or assisting in their recruitment efforts. Your presence and support foster a sense of community and mutual growth, reinforcing the idea that their success is your success.
The Call to Action: Lead Again

"A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others.”

— Douglas MacArthur

If you’ve done it once, you can do it again. The beauty and magic of being a "Do-It-First" leader is that the path has already been paved by your own past experiences and successes. You’ve built your success through deliberate action, unwavering consistency, and leading from the front with integrity and vision. If you’ve taken a step back, now is the time to re-engage with renewed energy and determination. Your team is watching and will follow your lead, but only if you show them the way by being the change you wish to see.

Commit today to leading from the front. Dive back into the work with your clients, actively engage with your SuperBase, and make full use of the WealthWaveONE tools. Be the strong example your team needs, and set the standard for excellence and dedication. You have the incredible power to create a ripple effect that will not only build your own business but also lift your entire team to new heights they never imagined possible.

Final Actionable Idea:

  • Challenge yourself: Commit to taking one impactful action today that your team can model. Whether it’s reaching out to a client, organizing and hosting an engaging event, or effectively using a strategic tool, lead by doing—and watch your team follow and flourish.

You’ve been the leader before, and you can step into that role again with confidence and passion. The future of your team and its success depends on the actions you take today. Don’t just tell them what to do—show them through your own commitment and actions.

By re-committing to the "Do-It-First" principle, you will not only reignite your own success but also inspire those around you to reach new heights. This principle encourages individuals to take the initiative, setting a powerful example for others to follow.

Leadership is a never-ending cycle of action and influence, where every decision and step forward can have a ripple effect throughout your team. When you lead from the front, showing dedication and determination, your team will never be far behind.

Your actions will inspire them, empowering them to challenge limits and pursue excellence. Leading by example fosters a dynamic and supportive environment where everyone is encouraged to thrive.

You cannot change what happened yesterday or in the past.  But you can take action today to create a better tomorrow for yourself and your team. The future is in your hands—lead your best again and watch the magic unfold.

Bill Mitchell